Few surprises in NRDC-sponsored study
It probably was a foregone conclusion, but the Natural Resources Defense Council nevertheless urged Congress on Mar. 17 to pass comprehensive climate legislation in response to rising gasoline and diesel fuel prices.
NRDC also called on federal lawmakers to reform federal transportation policy “to support small, transit-oriented development; assist states and regions in saving oil; and provide ample funding for energy-efficient transportation alternatives including rail and bus lines, bike paths, sidewalks, and other alternatives to driving.”
The recommendations actually were part of a white paper prepared for the environmental organization by David Gardiner & Associates LLC, a climate change and energy strategies consulting firm, which listed the 10 US states that would be hit hardest if gasoline prices spike this summer. Those states, starting with the most vulnerable, are Mississippi, Montana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, Maine, Georgia, and Idaho. Florida, Washington, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut are the 10 states least vulnerable to a motor fuel price spike, according to the NRDC.
“The impacts of gasoline prices in the midst of a struggling economy make it clear that our country needs to reduce its dependence on oil,” said Elizabeth Hogan, the analyst at David Gardiner and Associates who wrote the report. “By promoting more efficient vehicles, clean fuels, smart growth, and public transportation, our government can put an end to our unhealthy addiction that pinches our wallets and threatens our national security and the environment.”
Resource development advocates, meanwhile, argue that finding and developing more domestic supplies is important too (which also isn’t a surprise). The US Energy Information Administration, which has been warning since January that retail gasoline prices could go above $3/gal this summer, said in its Mar. 22 weekly survey that the nationwide average was $2.819/gal, up from $2.608/gal on Feb. 15. Retail diesel prices (for all grades) averaged $2.946/gal on Mar. 22, compared with $2.756 on Feb. 15, it said.
NRDC also called on federal lawmakers to reform federal transportation policy “to support small, transit-oriented development; assist states and regions in saving oil; and provide ample funding for energy-efficient transportation alternatives including rail and bus lines, bike paths, sidewalks, and other alternatives to driving.”
The recommendations actually were part of a white paper prepared for the environmental organization by David Gardiner & Associates LLC, a climate change and energy strategies consulting firm, which listed the 10 US states that would be hit hardest if gasoline prices spike this summer. Those states, starting with the most vulnerable, are Mississippi, Montana, Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, Maine, Georgia, and Idaho. Florida, Washington, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Colorado, New Hampshire, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and Connecticut are the 10 states least vulnerable to a motor fuel price spike, according to the NRDC.
“The impacts of gasoline prices in the midst of a struggling economy make it clear that our country needs to reduce its dependence on oil,” said Elizabeth Hogan, the analyst at David Gardiner and Associates who wrote the report. “By promoting more efficient vehicles, clean fuels, smart growth, and public transportation, our government can put an end to our unhealthy addiction that pinches our wallets and threatens our national security and the environment.”
Resource development advocates, meanwhile, argue that finding and developing more domestic supplies is important too (which also isn’t a surprise). The US Energy Information Administration, which has been warning since January that retail gasoline prices could go above $3/gal this summer, said in its Mar. 22 weekly survey that the nationwide average was $2.819/gal, up from $2.608/gal on Feb. 15. Retail diesel prices (for all grades) averaged $2.946/gal on Mar. 22, compared with $2.756 on Feb. 15, it said.
I note SC my state is listed as a "winner" for increased fuel costs. My Senator Lousey Graham is supporting Cap and Tax. If that happens agriculture and forestry are dead in this state and doubling of electrical rates(which my utility company says will occur) will close the doors on textile, auto and other manufacturing in this state. Those of us on fixed income will swelter in the dark. Frankly I can't afford "Lousey" any longer.
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