Some early thoughts on MMS's new code of conduct
This is the logical response to what Interior I.G. Earl Devaney and his investigators found when they began to look into allegations of outrageous conduct in the Minerals Management Service's Denver-based royalties management division. I wrote an extensive story about it last night after dinner, but it essentially comes down to this: MMS employees should not accept gifts from people or companies the agency regulates, even if no monetary compensation is involved. They should not even appear to accept gifts from what the bureaucrats call "prohibited sources." They also shouldn't hold outside positions where they work for people or companies MMS regulates. If they see one of their co-workers doing any of this, they should let their supervisors or other authority know. If they have any questions, they should not be afraid to ask someone.
Pretty basic, right? Anybody in Washington who has tried to take a federal employee to lunch will tell you so. (The government worker always picks up his or her check if he or she even agrees to join you, and lunch is always at someplace decidedly unglamorous.)
One aspect of what happened in Denver has been bothering me for months. In his reports, Devaney said that abuses occurred because a very few MMS employees decided the rules didn't apply to them. They decided to act more like marketers than government workers and happily went to social functions hosted by companies the agency regulates, ostensibly to "network."
So why were they even invited? Were the folks hosting the events so determined to get a competitive edge at the next royalty-in-kind sale that they didn't stop to ask if there would be a conflict of interests?
Clearly, those few MMS employees weren't thinking. Neither were the company officials who aided and abetted them, some of whom worked for firms which maintain offices here in Washington. The ones who don't may belong to trade associations with officials who should readily remind them of the rules and why they exist.
This particular ethics lapse gave MMS a black eye. But the oil and gas industry didn't escape without some bruises of its own.
Pretty basic, right? Anybody in Washington who has tried to take a federal employee to lunch will tell you so. (The government worker always picks up his or her check if he or she even agrees to join you, and lunch is always at someplace decidedly unglamorous.)
One aspect of what happened in Denver has been bothering me for months. In his reports, Devaney said that abuses occurred because a very few MMS employees decided the rules didn't apply to them. They decided to act more like marketers than government workers and happily went to social functions hosted by companies the agency regulates, ostensibly to "network."
So why were they even invited? Were the folks hosting the events so determined to get a competitive edge at the next royalty-in-kind sale that they didn't stop to ask if there would be a conflict of interests?
Clearly, those few MMS employees weren't thinking. Neither were the company officials who aided and abetted them, some of whom worked for firms which maintain offices here in Washington. The ones who don't may belong to trade associations with officials who should readily remind them of the rules and why they exist.
This particular ethics lapse gave MMS a black eye. But the oil and gas industry didn't escape without some bruises of its own.